This blog details the challenges of thousands of Vegas residents who are looking for employment
Thursday, October 31, 2013
Sunday, October 20, 2013
Preparing Yourself for Success and Updating Your Skills
Thanks for joining me today so we have a real honest discussion together. I am going to pretend you are with me, sitting beside me in this lounge chair on the beach in Florida. We're going to talk about your journey to greater success.
I hear what you are saying that you've lost your job or your income and cash flow is just not flowing like it was about five years ago . I understand you have some big decisions to make. It's time to figure out what to do next and the time is now.
I understand that you haven't been clear about what to do.I have been in that place of confusion and lots of frustration.
Depression is not the pathway to take for success. It is a downward spiral that can be disasterous. Instead, accept frustration as your friend. Let frustration be a motivator for you to seek out new possibilities.
You have options. I have met people who were going through depression and to them I say please find something other than drinking, drugs-prescribed or otherwise, gambling, and emotional pain, take actions, change your mind, move your body, change your life.
We need you and the time is now. Please find out what you are here to contribute to the world and take steps to share your gifts and talents with us. You are not alone and there are coaches who can help you take theses new steps.
It's been amazing what I've heard from people out there in the workplace today and those who have taken the leap to become entrepreneurs. The fact is many people have opened businesses in the last five years in fields they have never been in before and many of them are starting to experience success like they have never had before
Those entrepreneurs who have embraced learning new technology and skills and who are participating on these new platforms are part of a larger growing group of people who are having more success than they had imagined possible. That's encouraging news. I'll take that all day.
Success is not instant like rice. If you have experience in life and business and many of my readers do, you can take your skills, gifts, talents , and experience and make money. You just need a few adjustments in how you go about creating your business.
Many of us need to embrace new technology and to participate in online platforms to gain experience, exposure, and to make new connections. Yes, networking is still a key to success, it's just that some of the people you meet might not be there in person at a meeting, these connections and networking can happen online.
I want to encourage you. I know that you have what it takes. "Believe in what you do, then others will too."-Lori Wilk .
Having business and life experience and knowing what to do with it will take you to making a living again. You just need some guidance about how to use what you've got.
It's time to package yourself for success. Send out a tweet using the hashtag#NWBF which stands for my statment of urgency and means Now Would Be Fine and I'll be able to follow your progress. Connect with me on Twitter@Successipes
Business is still business. In business people market and sell products and /or services to make money. The promotion, marketing, and the way people experience and receive your products and services has changed. Fabulous. That means there are more pathways than ever before to success.
Think of it as a highway to success. Where are you getting on?
There are more tools and more platforms and more channels than ever before. This is like a global goldmine, you just have to learn how to participate.
Did you know that many entrepreneurs who create and sell products and services online have more international customers than ever before because the Internet helps us to be part of a global business community.
Let me be clear "You do not have to read this You do not have to change.You do not have to learn anything .You do not have to grow . You have a right to stay as you are.. If you are willing to work for minimum wage ---if you can find someone to Hire you for Minimum Wage -because you are overqualified.
Do you want to be broke, old, and depressed? It is an option... I think you are sitting next to me here on the beach because you have had enough being disappointed and Depressed and you want real money again.
Here's the option- Let's get you the skills you need and a Personal Success Plan for Growth and Income... Let's build this and get started...
I was at an event the other day and the person in charge of the marketing department for this company was the age of my son. It was very clear that those of us who have years of business experience had best get up to speed with what we need to compete.
Here's the best news yet--- The world needs what you have, you just have to get this to the world in the format they need to receive it in. That's just a few skills away from where you are now.
It's time to lift yourself and your spirits UP. To be energized and excited again about the possibilities.
You can be an entrepreneur and create your own destiny or you can work for others with these new skills and your yours of business experience. Both are options,
Work on yourself and your skills. Be visible and get known. Build your online reputation. Participate as professional and showcase your skills in the online global marketplace. Get endorsements and recommendations from others who know you and of your talents and experience.
Have you claimed your place in Cyberspace. One way to participate in the online marketplace is by having your own web domain. The latest news is that there are now 700 web domain extensions in the marketplace. That's more than you need to know about.
One simple step is to see if you can have a website in your own name with the domain ending in dot com. For example, I reserved the web domain for Lori Wilk
One of the free tools you can use to learn how to be more effective and boost your social media skills and to network and learn from others is on a site called Empire Avenue. I am learned from others and growing as well.
Social media and learning how to use it to your advantage is one of the skills that we all need to be more effective and connected in this world. To learn more about social media I have spent some time on the Empire Avenue using the name of my talk show as my name there which can be found at
If this tool helps you , feel free to e-mail me there and let me know.
Another way to update your skills for success is get motivation and inspiration from books, audio, or watching dvds, or all of the above.
Some new books which I would recommend include: Mastery: 48 Laws of Power and Consistency: Prosperity Mindset Training for Sales and Business Professionals.
Once you have a personal web domain like I reserved with the, another free step you can take is to find out how to boost how the page for your domain shows up in online searches and I have worked on this using They have a free and premium paid version. I started with the free version.
I often interview and write about what entrepreneurs are doing to be successful You can read these articles at
Thanks for joining me and I look forward to sharing more time together again soon. Let me know if you're ready to join me on the chair by the beach. The best compliment you can give me is to share this blog with others.
I hear what you are saying that you've lost your job or your income and cash flow is just not flowing like it was about five years ago . I understand you have some big decisions to make. It's time to figure out what to do next and the time is now.
I understand that you haven't been clear about what to do.I have been in that place of confusion and lots of frustration.
Depression is not the pathway to take for success. It is a downward spiral that can be disasterous. Instead, accept frustration as your friend. Let frustration be a motivator for you to seek out new possibilities.
You have options. I have met people who were going through depression and to them I say please find something other than drinking, drugs-prescribed or otherwise, gambling, and emotional pain, take actions, change your mind, move your body, change your life.
We need you and the time is now. Please find out what you are here to contribute to the world and take steps to share your gifts and talents with us. You are not alone and there are coaches who can help you take theses new steps.
It's been amazing what I've heard from people out there in the workplace today and those who have taken the leap to become entrepreneurs. The fact is many people have opened businesses in the last five years in fields they have never been in before and many of them are starting to experience success like they have never had before
Those entrepreneurs who have embraced learning new technology and skills and who are participating on these new platforms are part of a larger growing group of people who are having more success than they had imagined possible. That's encouraging news. I'll take that all day.
Success is not instant like rice. If you have experience in life and business and many of my readers do, you can take your skills, gifts, talents , and experience and make money. You just need a few adjustments in how you go about creating your business.
Many of us need to embrace new technology and to participate in online platforms to gain experience, exposure, and to make new connections. Yes, networking is still a key to success, it's just that some of the people you meet might not be there in person at a meeting, these connections and networking can happen online.
I want to encourage you. I know that you have what it takes. "Believe in what you do, then others will too."-Lori Wilk .
Having business and life experience and knowing what to do with it will take you to making a living again. You just need some guidance about how to use what you've got.
It's time to package yourself for success. Send out a tweet using the hashtag#NWBF which stands for my statment of urgency and means Now Would Be Fine and I'll be able to follow your progress. Connect with me on Twitter@Successipes
Business is still business. In business people market and sell products and /or services to make money. The promotion, marketing, and the way people experience and receive your products and services has changed. Fabulous. That means there are more pathways than ever before to success.
Think of it as a highway to success. Where are you getting on?
There are more tools and more platforms and more channels than ever before. This is like a global goldmine, you just have to learn how to participate.
Did you know that many entrepreneurs who create and sell products and services online have more international customers than ever before because the Internet helps us to be part of a global business community.
Let me be clear "You do not have to read this You do not have to change.You do not have to learn anything .You do not have to grow . You have a right to stay as you are.. If you are willing to work for minimum wage ---if you can find someone to Hire you for Minimum Wage -because you are overqualified.
Do you want to be broke, old, and depressed? It is an option... I think you are sitting next to me here on the beach because you have had enough being disappointed and Depressed and you want real money again.
Here's the option- Let's get you the skills you need and a Personal Success Plan for Growth and Income... Let's build this and get started...
I was at an event the other day and the person in charge of the marketing department for this company was the age of my son. It was very clear that those of us who have years of business experience had best get up to speed with what we need to compete.
Here's the best news yet--- The world needs what you have, you just have to get this to the world in the format they need to receive it in. That's just a few skills away from where you are now.
It's time to lift yourself and your spirits UP. To be energized and excited again about the possibilities.
You can be an entrepreneur and create your own destiny or you can work for others with these new skills and your yours of business experience. Both are options,
Work on yourself and your skills. Be visible and get known. Build your online reputation. Participate as professional and showcase your skills in the online global marketplace. Get endorsements and recommendations from others who know you and of your talents and experience.
Have you claimed your place in Cyberspace. One way to participate in the online marketplace is by having your own web domain. The latest news is that there are now 700 web domain extensions in the marketplace. That's more than you need to know about.
One simple step is to see if you can have a website in your own name with the domain ending in dot com. For example, I reserved the web domain for Lori Wilk
One of the free tools you can use to learn how to be more effective and boost your social media skills and to network and learn from others is on a site called Empire Avenue. I am learned from others and growing as well.
Social media and learning how to use it to your advantage is one of the skills that we all need to be more effective and connected in this world. To learn more about social media I have spent some time on the Empire Avenue using the name of my talk show as my name there which can be found at
If this tool helps you , feel free to e-mail me there and let me know.
Another way to update your skills for success is get motivation and inspiration from books, audio, or watching dvds, or all of the above.
Some new books which I would recommend include: Mastery: 48 Laws of Power and Consistency: Prosperity Mindset Training for Sales and Business Professionals.
Once you have a personal web domain like I reserved with the, another free step you can take is to find out how to boost how the page for your domain shows up in online searches and I have worked on this using They have a free and premium paid version. I started with the free version.
I often interview and write about what entrepreneurs are doing to be successful You can read these articles at
Thanks for joining me and I look forward to sharing more time together again soon. Let me know if you're ready to join me on the chair by the beach. The best compliment you can give me is to share this blog with others.
Monday, June 24, 2013
Saturday, June 22, 2013
Naked house cleaning job was posted on a Vegas job website
If you watched the local Las Vegas news in the last few days there were stories about arrests at homes being used for prostitution. Nevada laws prohibit prostitution in Las Vegas. Prostitution is legal and regulated in some parts of Nevada, not in Las Vegas.
In Las Vegas we can be sexy, but it's illegal to sell "SEX." .
In the last few days I was looking through the most recent job openings posted on a number of websites I subscribe to with the intention of trying to decided what to write in my new blog posts. I found this posting about the naked housecleaning jobs offered by a company in North Las Vegas which stated that these openings were for jobs paying 75/hr.
At first when someone reads the job posting they might be saying to themselves, what do I have to clean to earn $75 per hour? It's even hard to write about seeing this posting in this blog because in my heart of hearts I would want all my readers who are looking for jobs to find them and I want people to make a good living and be able to enjoy living in Las Vegas. I want good things for people and I would love to be able to say that there are high paying jobs out there just waiting to be filled.
The job posting for the naked Housecleaners had the initials NHC in the job posting and it really made me wondered. I found the job posting humorous and then horrible. I laughed I came across one for Naked Housecleaners using initials NHC and I found it both humorous and then horrible. It became horrible as I imagined someone taking this job, entering a home alone to get paid $75 to clean it naked and then being in danger.
If someone wants to be a house cleaner or other cleaner I am not one to judge. I am all for clean properties and clean people, and I would not judge someone for being a nudist or enjoying taking their clothing off for a living. My concern is with the safety of the person making that sort of choice and leaving themselves in a vulnerable position to be harmed physically, emotionally or both.
This sort of job is in a home and not a commercial setting such as a strip club where there are at least other people around and possible protection in a situation that doesn't go as planned or someone gets out of control.
Every day people disappear and are never found and the state of Nevada has a reputation as one of the worst places in the nation for situations of domestic violence.
My words of caution as you go job hunting today are to be careful about who you chose to work for and under what conditions you chose to make money. You are special and your life is valuable and worth protecting.
In fact, if you have any questions or concerns about a potential employer or job you are considering, do your homework and check on the company or individual before you say "Yes." Each city has requirements for business licensing and you should be sure instead of being sorry.
It's possible that the naked housecleaning job is really not for cleaning houses at all , I was surprised that it was listed on a job website and I wonder if the job website has verified the company information before allowing this to be posted.
I ask you my readers to keep me informed about job postings you are finding whether in print or online and if there's something I should be warning people about, please send me the news.
You can follow my business articles on where I write three columns: National Business Success, Small Business Success, and the Las Vegas Convention Examiner.
and Tune-in anytime to my talk shows at
In Las Vegas we can be sexy, but it's illegal to sell "SEX." .
In the last few days I was looking through the most recent job openings posted on a number of websites I subscribe to with the intention of trying to decided what to write in my new blog posts. I found this posting about the naked housecleaning jobs offered by a company in North Las Vegas which stated that these openings were for jobs paying 75/hr.
At first when someone reads the job posting they might be saying to themselves, what do I have to clean to earn $75 per hour? It's even hard to write about seeing this posting in this blog because in my heart of hearts I would want all my readers who are looking for jobs to find them and I want people to make a good living and be able to enjoy living in Las Vegas. I want good things for people and I would love to be able to say that there are high paying jobs out there just waiting to be filled.
The job posting for the naked Housecleaners had the initials NHC in the job posting and it really made me wondered. I found the job posting humorous and then horrible. I laughed I came across one for Naked Housecleaners using initials NHC and I found it both humorous and then horrible. It became horrible as I imagined someone taking this job, entering a home alone to get paid $75 to clean it naked and then being in danger.
If someone wants to be a house cleaner or other cleaner I am not one to judge. I am all for clean properties and clean people, and I would not judge someone for being a nudist or enjoying taking their clothing off for a living. My concern is with the safety of the person making that sort of choice and leaving themselves in a vulnerable position to be harmed physically, emotionally or both.
This sort of job is in a home and not a commercial setting such as a strip club where there are at least other people around and possible protection in a situation that doesn't go as planned or someone gets out of control.
Every day people disappear and are never found and the state of Nevada has a reputation as one of the worst places in the nation for situations of domestic violence.
My words of caution as you go job hunting today are to be careful about who you chose to work for and under what conditions you chose to make money. You are special and your life is valuable and worth protecting.
In fact, if you have any questions or concerns about a potential employer or job you are considering, do your homework and check on the company or individual before you say "Yes." Each city has requirements for business licensing and you should be sure instead of being sorry.
It's possible that the naked housecleaning job is really not for cleaning houses at all , I was surprised that it was listed on a job website and I wonder if the job website has verified the company information before allowing this to be posted.
I ask you my readers to keep me informed about job postings you are finding whether in print or online and if there's something I should be warning people about, please send me the news.
You can follow my business articles on where I write three columns: National Business Success, Small Business Success, and the Las Vegas Convention Examiner.
and Tune-in anytime to my talk shows at
Friday, June 21, 2013
Sunday, April 21, 2013
Pool Season Hiring Event
If you've been watching the news and venturing outside, you know that our Las Vegas temps are starting to rise . Spring to summer means that pool season is upon us and not only is their heat their are income opportunities and job opening.
HERAEA, part of THEONEGROUP of hotels, restaurants, and lounges announces a Hiring Event for HERAEA pool season with a "casting call" Monday April 22 from Noon to 2p.m.- That's a short window of opportunity so be prepared and early .
Inside Heraea at the Palms . HereaLV and they have a Facebook Page HeraeaLasVegas
What are positions is Heraea hiring for?
They are hiring in the categories of :Model Bartender; Model Cocktail Server; Model Hostesses; and Model Food Servers.
The job announcement says ,"Please show up pool-ready in swimwear with a headshot and resume to provide Heraea at the Palms.
Heraea has been created by the Creators of STK and features Dining, Sports, and Music.
HERAEA, part of THEONEGROUP of hotels, restaurants, and lounges announces a Hiring Event for HERAEA pool season with a "casting call" Monday April 22 from Noon to 2p.m.- That's a short window of opportunity so be prepared and early .
Inside Heraea at the Palms . HereaLV and they have a Facebook Page HeraeaLasVegas
What are positions is Heraea hiring for?
They are hiring in the categories of :Model Bartender; Model Cocktail Server; Model Hostesses; and Model Food Servers.
The job announcement says ,"Please show up pool-ready in swimwear with a headshot and resume to provide Heraea at the Palms.
Heraea has been created by the Creators of STK and features Dining, Sports, and Music.
Wednesday, April 10, 2013
Diversity Career Fair comes to Las Vegas
Here's the latest news: I just heard about a Diversity Career Fair being held at the Palms Casino Resort in Las Vegas on May 30th from 12-3p.m.
Oscar Moreno posted this Diversity Career Fair information in one of the LinkedIn Groups. In reading the event announcement there's a posted lists of some of the Featured Employers for this Diversity Career Fair including : Palms Casino Resort, Art Institute of Las Vegas, State Farm, Dept of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation, Entrerprise Holdings, Kelly Services, Radio Station 99.3 La Kalle, Latin Chamber of Commerce, CSN(College of Southern Nevada), Goodwill Industries, Univision Radio, Nevada Partners, Kaplan College, Dvry University, UNLV, Vegas Young Professionals , Informedia, Radio Station 103.5, and SNHEP
As always, information about an event is subject to change. I am posting this information for those who may want to be informed about this upcoming event . This posting is not meant to be an endorsement . For those of you who don't know me, I cannot endorse an event that I have not had the opportunity to experience so I'll be happy to share my feedback after it takes place.
May greatest prayer for those who are seeking employment is that they find opportunities and improve their lives.
I do think that information and knowing about possibilities can help people to make better decisions.According to the announcement you can pre-register with your resume by sending it to
There are many opportunities here in Las Vegas for those who want to network. According to Nancy Mehta, owner of Cartridge World, on any given week you can find 50 or more networking events to participate in so there's no excuse for staying home and never getting out to network.
Nancy offers an annual subscription to her networking publication which tells you who is hosting the events. their location, and details whether free or if there's a cost involved to participate. A subscription to Nancy's networking publication is $50 for the whole year.
To get ready to new job opportunities many people tell me they are working on themselves whether they head to the gym and start an exercise regimen, find some new clothing, change their hair and/or make-up, or take some classes to build skills.
A great place to research is your local library. I'll be hosting a class at one of the Henderson Library locations on May 15 on how to expand your influence using social media and it will be a free hands-on class to help people. Send me an e-mail if you're interested in participating of my upcoming events.
How to make presentations- yes, public speaking, is definitely an area that people can improve on. I have enjoyed teaching people how to make presentations using workshops that build skills and confidence and been so proud of my students who have used what I've taught them to get higher salaries, new jobs, promotions, and even college scholarships.
Oscar Moreno posted this Diversity Career Fair information in one of the LinkedIn Groups. In reading the event announcement there's a posted lists of some of the Featured Employers for this Diversity Career Fair including : Palms Casino Resort, Art Institute of Las Vegas, State Farm, Dept of Justice Federal Bureau of Investigation, Entrerprise Holdings, Kelly Services, Radio Station 99.3 La Kalle, Latin Chamber of Commerce, CSN(College of Southern Nevada), Goodwill Industries, Univision Radio, Nevada Partners, Kaplan College, Dvry University, UNLV, Vegas Young Professionals , Informedia, Radio Station 103.5, and SNHEP
As always, information about an event is subject to change. I am posting this information for those who may want to be informed about this upcoming event . This posting is not meant to be an endorsement . For those of you who don't know me, I cannot endorse an event that I have not had the opportunity to experience so I'll be happy to share my feedback after it takes place.
May greatest prayer for those who are seeking employment is that they find opportunities and improve their lives.
I do think that information and knowing about possibilities can help people to make better decisions.According to the announcement you can pre-register with your resume by sending it to
There are many opportunities here in Las Vegas for those who want to network. According to Nancy Mehta, owner of Cartridge World, on any given week you can find 50 or more networking events to participate in so there's no excuse for staying home and never getting out to network.
Nancy offers an annual subscription to her networking publication which tells you who is hosting the events. their location, and details whether free or if there's a cost involved to participate. A subscription to Nancy's networking publication is $50 for the whole year.
To get ready to new job opportunities many people tell me they are working on themselves whether they head to the gym and start an exercise regimen, find some new clothing, change their hair and/or make-up, or take some classes to build skills.
A great place to research is your local library. I'll be hosting a class at one of the Henderson Library locations on May 15 on how to expand your influence using social media and it will be a free hands-on class to help people. Send me an e-mail if you're interested in participating of my upcoming events.
How to make presentations- yes, public speaking, is definitely an area that people can improve on. I have enjoyed teaching people how to make presentations using workshops that build skills and confidence and been so proud of my students who have used what I've taught them to get higher salaries, new jobs, promotions, and even college scholarships.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
Monday, March 25, 2013
Avoiding Scams When Job Hunting
People who want to find jobs have sadly become prey to those who don't have their best interests in mind. Just when things are tough if you are offered a job from a less than reputable person or company it can take you down a pathway that you don't need and truly don't want.
Easy access to posting jobs is one of the reasons behind the growing trend of those who want to take advantage of others to have more and more channels and ways to do so.
How do you protect yourself from doing business with the wrong people? The best answer is to go out into the world every day with your eyes opened and proceed from a position of awareness and and caution.
Many people are targeted for "employment opportunities" with job offers online and e-mail solicitation. When should your "red flag" go up and what are some strategies to help avoid problems?
If you receive e-mails asking you if you have a computer at home and can receive payments for a company and process those payments , there should be flag going up. One of the most common methods of scams are around processing money for others.
Imagine taking your personal money to make a payment and never getting paid? Imagine handling fraudulent transactions or money laundering for people.
If you are asked for your personal information and bank information and private detailed information about yourself, you are at risk when you provide any of your sensitive personal information to others.
What if you are contacted about a job interview or potential position from a company that you've never heard of and you are not sure how to proceed. You are on the computer if you're reading this now, so use tools to determine if you can about the company's reputation.
You can search the company name on "Google" and the name of the person who has requested the interview with you. Get details about the company licenses or check with the Better Business Bureau about the reputation of the company before going on an interview.
Readers of my articles have shown me details of negative information about businesses which they said were trying to recruit them and the information available online put so much doubt in their mind about these companies that they did not go for the interviews.
I called the FBI field office in Las Vegas and asked them what people should do if they are receiving "scam e-mails?" They provided me with a website that you can use to report these seriously horrible and often scary e-mails
Easy access to posting jobs is one of the reasons behind the growing trend of those who want to take advantage of others to have more and more channels and ways to do so.
How do you protect yourself from doing business with the wrong people? The best answer is to go out into the world every day with your eyes opened and proceed from a position of awareness and and caution.
Many people are targeted for "employment opportunities" with job offers online and e-mail solicitation. When should your "red flag" go up and what are some strategies to help avoid problems?
If you receive e-mails asking you if you have a computer at home and can receive payments for a company and process those payments , there should be flag going up. One of the most common methods of scams are around processing money for others.
Imagine taking your personal money to make a payment and never getting paid? Imagine handling fraudulent transactions or money laundering for people.
If you are asked for your personal information and bank information and private detailed information about yourself, you are at risk when you provide any of your sensitive personal information to others.
What if you are contacted about a job interview or potential position from a company that you've never heard of and you are not sure how to proceed. You are on the computer if you're reading this now, so use tools to determine if you can about the company's reputation.
You can search the company name on "Google" and the name of the person who has requested the interview with you. Get details about the company licenses or check with the Better Business Bureau about the reputation of the company before going on an interview.
Readers of my articles have shown me details of negative information about businesses which they said were trying to recruit them and the information available online put so much doubt in their mind about these companies that they did not go for the interviews.
I called the FBI field office in Las Vegas and asked them what people should do if they are receiving "scam e-mails?" They provided me with a website that you can use to report these seriously horrible and often scary e-mails
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
Get Yourself Back in the Game
Many people in Las Vegas have been hit hard economically over the four or five years. If you're reading this article and live in Las Vegas you or someone you know has lost a job, a home, income or their retirement savings, a marriage ,a relationship,and maybe even lost some of their vital energy and enthusiasm.
You know it's time for improvement and something to get better in your life or theirs.
"Success Starts Today. Today is yesterday minus one day, so let's maximize today. All the money in the world will not bring yesterday back."-Lori Wilk
Many people are taking steps to make their lives better. It's not uncommon to meet someone who is now living in an apartment that is a fraction of the size of their former home. It's not a surprise to meet people who have been successful for decades getting some help with food programs so they can eat.
1. What results am I getting now?.
.. for some none or minimal might be your answer
-It's time for a dose of honesty and a reality check. If you've avoided this questions, answer it today.
2. What result do I want? ( possibly a brand new career or a better paying job or maybe, just a job)
How can you get what you want if you're not clear about what that is? Visualize what you want. One cool tool is to create a vision or dream board for what you want in all the areas of your life.
Visualize your success or goals. Athletes do this all the time. Tiger Woods visualizes the golf ball going in the whole before making the shot. High divers visualize executing perfect 10-rated dives before jumping from heights into the water. Top salespeople visualize being in the closings before they make the sale. They visualize how they will feel when they are successful doing what they intend to do.
Visualization is a topic we could spend a week on and so this is just to get you started.
If you want a new car for example, go and get the picture of it and put it in a place you can see it every day. You might even use an affirmation written in the present tense as if you already have what you want. How do you write it?
ex. If I want to have a white Cadillac with white leather interior and a moon roof my daily affirmation could be" I have a brand new white Cadillac with a white leather interior and moon roof."
If you want to add the affirmation that includes your new job that you want you might add." I drive my new white Cadillac to my office where I am an Executive."
If you want a daily affirmation for that $100,000 job. You could wake up every morning and say," I am an executive . I earn $100,000 annually helping people with....... . How about.?. "I am happy.I am successful."
3. What is the difference between what I want and what I have??( I am home and would rather be in an office working, maybe the difference is $50,000 more income a year than you're receiving now.
4. Why?? -Why is there a difference between what I have and what I want?? -- There might be one reason and there could be ten. Make a list and ask yourself the next question.
5. What am I going to do about it???
There are three frogs on a Lily Pad and two decide to go. How many frogs are left on the pad?? all three- They decided to go and they never took the action to jump...
Today, let this granny put the fire under your fanny. Do you need some inspiration, perspiration, education, or mentoring.
Here's an article about free University courses
There's another site which I've joined called "Udemy" and they have courses from Free to various Fees. .
Tune-in to my show today or listen to the archives at
You know it's time for improvement and something to get better in your life or theirs.
"Success Starts Today. Today is yesterday minus one day, so let's maximize today. All the money in the world will not bring yesterday back."-Lori Wilk
Many people are taking steps to make their lives better. It's not uncommon to meet someone who is now living in an apartment that is a fraction of the size of their former home. It's not a surprise to meet people who have been successful for decades getting some help with food programs so they can eat.
"It's not whether you get knocked down, it's whether you get up."-Vince Lombardi, Football CoachSome shared this "Results Formula" with me and so pick a topic you want to work on... Career and ask yourself the following Five questions about your topic:
1. What results am I getting now?.
.. for some none or minimal might be your answer
-It's time for a dose of honesty and a reality check. If you've avoided this questions, answer it today.
2. What result do I want? ( possibly a brand new career or a better paying job or maybe, just a job)
How can you get what you want if you're not clear about what that is? Visualize what you want. One cool tool is to create a vision or dream board for what you want in all the areas of your life.
Visualize your success or goals. Athletes do this all the time. Tiger Woods visualizes the golf ball going in the whole before making the shot. High divers visualize executing perfect 10-rated dives before jumping from heights into the water. Top salespeople visualize being in the closings before they make the sale. They visualize how they will feel when they are successful doing what they intend to do.
Visualization is a topic we could spend a week on and so this is just to get you started.
If you want a new car for example, go and get the picture of it and put it in a place you can see it every day. You might even use an affirmation written in the present tense as if you already have what you want. How do you write it?
ex. If I want to have a white Cadillac with white leather interior and a moon roof my daily affirmation could be" I have a brand new white Cadillac with a white leather interior and moon roof."
If you want to add the affirmation that includes your new job that you want you might add." I drive my new white Cadillac to my office where I am an Executive."
If you want a daily affirmation for that $100,000 job. You could wake up every morning and say," I am an executive . I earn $100,000 annually helping people with....... . How about.?. "I am happy.I am successful."
3. What is the difference between what I want and what I have??( I am home and would rather be in an office working, maybe the difference is $50,000 more income a year than you're receiving now.
4. Why?? -Why is there a difference between what I have and what I want?? -- There might be one reason and there could be ten. Make a list and ask yourself the next question.
5. What am I going to do about it???
There are three frogs on a Lily Pad and two decide to go. How many frogs are left on the pad?? all three- They decided to go and they never took the action to jump...
"Never confuse movement with action"-Ernest Hemingway-Writer
Today, let this granny put the fire under your fanny. Do you need some inspiration, perspiration, education, or mentoring.
Here's an article about free University courses
There's another site which I've joined called "Udemy" and they have courses from Free to various Fees. .
Tune-in to my show today or listen to the archives at
Monday, March 18, 2013
New Jobs in Las Vegas
Just the sound of the title"New Jobs in Las Vegas" is encouraging and exciting. As the temperatures start to rise and we've officially sprung an hour forward, we look forward to the opening of a next wave of water theme parks to be launched in Las Vegas.
Coming at the end of May, just in time for Labor Day Weekend, is Wet N Wild Las Vegas. The location of this water theme park which will have 25 thrill rides and attractions is near the I-215 expressway and S. Fort Apache Rd, close to Sunset Rd and Warm Springs.
In looking at their website the job postings are for jobs such as Admission Associate and Admissions Supervisor, Cash Control Associate and Supervisor, Catering and Events Associate, Cook, EMT, Food and Retail Cashier and Supervisor, Lifeguards and Supervisors, Loss Prevention, Maintenance Associates \, Security , Park Services and Park Service Supervisor.
As always, jobs are subject to change so here's the link and I hope to see many of you when WetNWildLas Vegas opens
Coming at the end of May, just in time for Labor Day Weekend, is Wet N Wild Las Vegas. The location of this water theme park which will have 25 thrill rides and attractions is near the I-215 expressway and S. Fort Apache Rd, close to Sunset Rd and Warm Springs.
In looking at their website the job postings are for jobs such as Admission Associate and Admissions Supervisor, Cash Control Associate and Supervisor, Catering and Events Associate, Cook, EMT, Food and Retail Cashier and Supervisor, Lifeguards and Supervisors, Loss Prevention, Maintenance Associates \, Security , Park Services and Park Service Supervisor.
As always, jobs are subject to change so here's the link and I hope to see many of you when WetNWildLas Vegas opens
Tuesday, February 5, 2013
Saturday, February 2, 2013
Nightclubs and Pool Venues Prepare for Pool Season
This is Las Vegas and yes, it can be difficult for us heat-lovers to live through the Vegas winter months. Them, while it's still too cold to go outside without a coat in the morning, there are the announcements of "castings " for the spring and summer pool venues.
The pool season lasts from March until the end of September or the beginning of October depending on the venue and for many who work at the pools and dayclubs in this city, they are able to make enough money to sustain themselves for the rest of the year until it's time for the season to start again.
The 2013 Casting Calls at Hard Rock Hotel &Casino for the upcoming season at Rehab will be held inside the Hard Rock's Vanity nightclub on Tuesday Feb 5 from 10a.m. to 2 p.m. and then on Wednesday Feb 6 from 2p.m. to 6p.m..
The Casting Calls are to fill the upcoming Rehab season positions including Model Servers, VIP Hosts, Bartenders, Lifeguards, Food Runners, Cabana Attendants, Barbacks, and Seasonal Security Guards.
The Casting Call states that a Resume is required. The Hard Rock Hotel&Casino is located at 4455 Paradise Road, Las Vegas, NV 89169.(702)693-5000
Last week there were Casting Calls for find staff members for the Bare pool Lounge at the Mirage and Liquid Pool& Lounge at Aria. LightGroup also hosted a casting for their upcoming new nightclub called "Light" which will open in March at Mandalay Bay.
These jobs at the hottest pool settings in Las Vegas are in huge demand. For venues which will open for a new season you can expect that many of the previous season's staff will be seeking employment for the new season. For brand new venues, the lines to be seen at hiring events are usually extremely long and many venues cut-off the number of candidates they will interview in a single session and if you're not there way in advance, you may not even have a shot at being seen.
The pool season lasts from March until the end of September or the beginning of October depending on the venue and for many who work at the pools and dayclubs in this city, they are able to make enough money to sustain themselves for the rest of the year until it's time for the season to start again.
The 2013 Casting Calls at Hard Rock Hotel &Casino for the upcoming season at Rehab will be held inside the Hard Rock's Vanity nightclub on Tuesday Feb 5 from 10a.m. to 2 p.m. and then on Wednesday Feb 6 from 2p.m. to 6p.m..
The Casting Calls are to fill the upcoming Rehab season positions including Model Servers, VIP Hosts, Bartenders, Lifeguards, Food Runners, Cabana Attendants, Barbacks, and Seasonal Security Guards.
The Casting Call states that a Resume is required. The Hard Rock Hotel&Casino is located at 4455 Paradise Road, Las Vegas, NV 89169.(702)693-5000
Last week there were Casting Calls for find staff members for the Bare pool Lounge at the Mirage and Liquid Pool& Lounge at Aria. LightGroup also hosted a casting for their upcoming new nightclub called "Light" which will open in March at Mandalay Bay.
These jobs at the hottest pool settings in Las Vegas are in huge demand. For venues which will open for a new season you can expect that many of the previous season's staff will be seeking employment for the new season. For brand new venues, the lines to be seen at hiring events are usually extremely long and many venues cut-off the number of candidates they will interview in a single session and if you're not there way in advance, you may not even have a shot at being seen.
Sunday, January 20, 2013
Free University Courses to build your Current Skills
Some of you reading this blogpost are looking for a job. Many who will read this want to improve their income and would love a higher-paying job. There will even be readers who are tired of working for someone else and have to get education and that might be standing in their way if their finances are not great and they can't afford thousands of dollars for an Ivy-League education.
Whatever you reason for reading this post, I hope the content will be a life-improver for you. What I am sharing with you I am going to do for myself and my family and learn mover.
I found an organization that sincerely wants to be part of changing the world. They started in April 2012 and have created partnerships with Universities so they can offer a wide variety of University courses for Free.
I've never seen anything like this in the world and there hasn't been until now. I was so happy to find this source and if I just found it, I couldn't waste any time getting the information out to you because I know there must be a skill or a class you'd like to get under your belt and get good at. Some of you will go on to mastery and do amazing things.
This post is meant as a source of encouragement, because let's face it, if you're not being as successful as you want to be right now, regardless of how talented and get you have been in your life, it's time to take action. You can't control anyone else, but you can take a course, complete it, learn something, and then let the world know you have this education and use it to the best of your ability to do something positive.
If you want to help me to continue to offer content and to help others, please send people to my posts , articles, and talk show. Thank-you in advance.
This is all very new and once enough people know about this site it will probably become on of the hottest and biggest in the world..That's my prediction. For now, it's our secret so enjoy and get educated.
I was in a seminar and the leader said, "If you're not learning, someone else is.. and when you meet, guess who has the advantage?" I know that here in Las Vegas where the competition for jobs is pretty fierce, one of the best things you can do beside network and meet people who can connect with you jobs, is to build skills, and be able to document "Current Education " on your resume.
There are so many people we've met over the last few years who have 15-25 years of working experience and they still want to or have to be out there to earn a living to support themselves and their families and to have money for retirement. Sadly too many people have lived off of their money which was planned for retirement and they have to make money and get caught up with their savings so they can retire.
Millions of Americans took a financial hit and wiped out everything they had accumulated and then had their equity turned into nothing with the real estate housing bust. It's sad, it's tough, and none of that will pay the bills. Get some education under your belt, connect with new sources of networking, and possibilities and take action.
According to Coursera.Org, "Our hope is to give everyone access to the world-class education that has so far been available to only a select fee. We want to empower people with education that will improve their lives, improve the lives of their families, and improve the communities they live in.
To date, there are 33 Universities participating with Coursera.Org by offering courses and the list keeps growing. The Universities partnering with Coursera include: Princeton, Rice University, John Hopkins University, Ohio State University, Vanderbilt University, Stanford University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, The University of British Columbia, The University of California at Irvine, The University of California at San Francisco, The University of Edinburgh, The University of Florida, Berklee College of Music, Brown University, California Institute of Technology, Columbia University, Duke University, Emory University, Ecole Polytechnic Federal de Lausanne, Georgia Institute of Technology, Herbrew University of Jerusalem, Icahn School of Medicine Mount Sinai, John Hopkins University, University of Melbourne,University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, University of Michigan, University of Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburgh, University of Virginia, University of Washington, and University of Toronto.
To get a better understanding of how big a deal this in for a company to create this educational opportunity which they hope will help millions of people to improve their lives, the media coverage about Coursera.Org has been extensive. Articles have appeared in Forbes, The New York Times, on the BBC, Slate, Fast Company, Digital Trends, The Wall Street Journal, CNET, Business Week, USA Today, The Globe and Mail,Tech Crunch, and now this blog.
For those of you who are reading my content for the first time, I write lots of business success articles and you can find some of them at
Here's a little about the Founders of Coursera.Org , some of the Funders of the site, and some of the media attention they've been receiving since their launch.
Coursera.Org was started with 2 Founders: Daphne Koller and Andrew NG. Daphne is the Rajeev Motwani Professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford. In 2011 she was inducted into the National Academent of Engineering. Andrew is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Stanford and the Director of the Stanford University Artificial Intelligence Lab.
The Funders helping to make Coursera.Org a reality include : John Doerr, Partner in Kleiner Perkins Caufield&Byers; and Scott Sandell, now General Partner of NEA. Scott says his focus in investments are in " informational technology and alternative energy."
The team at Coursera.Org has more than 20 members and they share some of their background on the site which includes that 16 of them attended Stanford University and 18 of the 20 on the team studied computer science in college.
University Courses are presented for Free at
Whatever you reason for reading this post, I hope the content will be a life-improver for you. What I am sharing with you I am going to do for myself and my family and learn mover.
I found an organization that sincerely wants to be part of changing the world. They started in April 2012 and have created partnerships with Universities so they can offer a wide variety of University courses for Free.
I've never seen anything like this in the world and there hasn't been until now. I was so happy to find this source and if I just found it, I couldn't waste any time getting the information out to you because I know there must be a skill or a class you'd like to get under your belt and get good at. Some of you will go on to mastery and do amazing things.
This post is meant as a source of encouragement, because let's face it, if you're not being as successful as you want to be right now, regardless of how talented and get you have been in your life, it's time to take action. You can't control anyone else, but you can take a course, complete it, learn something, and then let the world know you have this education and use it to the best of your ability to do something positive.
If you want to help me to continue to offer content and to help others, please send people to my posts , articles, and talk show. Thank-you in advance.
This is all very new and once enough people know about this site it will probably become on of the hottest and biggest in the world..That's my prediction. For now, it's our secret so enjoy and get educated.
I was in a seminar and the leader said, "If you're not learning, someone else is.. and when you meet, guess who has the advantage?" I know that here in Las Vegas where the competition for jobs is pretty fierce, one of the best things you can do beside network and meet people who can connect with you jobs, is to build skills, and be able to document "Current Education " on your resume.
There are so many people we've met over the last few years who have 15-25 years of working experience and they still want to or have to be out there to earn a living to support themselves and their families and to have money for retirement. Sadly too many people have lived off of their money which was planned for retirement and they have to make money and get caught up with their savings so they can retire.
Millions of Americans took a financial hit and wiped out everything they had accumulated and then had their equity turned into nothing with the real estate housing bust. It's sad, it's tough, and none of that will pay the bills. Get some education under your belt, connect with new sources of networking, and possibilities and take action.
According to Coursera.Org, "Our hope is to give everyone access to the world-class education that has so far been available to only a select fee. We want to empower people with education that will improve their lives, improve the lives of their families, and improve the communities they live in.
To date, there are 33 Universities participating with Coursera.Org by offering courses and the list keeps growing. The Universities partnering with Coursera include: Princeton, Rice University, John Hopkins University, Ohio State University, Vanderbilt University, Stanford University, The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, The University of British Columbia, The University of California at Irvine, The University of California at San Francisco, The University of Edinburgh, The University of Florida, Berklee College of Music, Brown University, California Institute of Technology, Columbia University, Duke University, Emory University, Ecole Polytechnic Federal de Lausanne, Georgia Institute of Technology, Herbrew University of Jerusalem, Icahn School of Medicine Mount Sinai, John Hopkins University, University of Melbourne,University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana, University of Michigan, University of Pennsylvania, University of Pittsburgh, University of Virginia, University of Washington, and University of Toronto.
To get a better understanding of how big a deal this in for a company to create this educational opportunity which they hope will help millions of people to improve their lives, the media coverage about Coursera.Org has been extensive. Articles have appeared in Forbes, The New York Times, on the BBC, Slate, Fast Company, Digital Trends, The Wall Street Journal, CNET, Business Week, USA Today, The Globe and Mail,Tech Crunch, and now this blog.
For those of you who are reading my content for the first time, I write lots of business success articles and you can find some of them at
Here's a little about the Founders of Coursera.Org , some of the Funders of the site, and some of the media attention they've been receiving since their launch.
Coursera.Org was started with 2 Founders: Daphne Koller and Andrew NG. Daphne is the Rajeev Motwani Professor in the Computer Science Department at Stanford. In 2011 she was inducted into the National Academent of Engineering. Andrew is an Associate Professor of Computer Science at Stanford and the Director of the Stanford University Artificial Intelligence Lab.
The Funders helping to make Coursera.Org a reality include : John Doerr, Partner in Kleiner Perkins Caufield&Byers; and Scott Sandell, now General Partner of NEA. Scott says his focus in investments are in " informational technology and alternative energy."
The team at Coursera.Org has more than 20 members and they share some of their background on the site which includes that 16 of them attended Stanford University and 18 of the 20 on the team studied computer science in college.
University Courses are presented for Free at
Wednesday, January 16, 2013
Sunday, January 13, 2013
Friday, January 11, 2013
Adding Service to Customer Service: Paying Attention to the Customer's Needs
Adding Service to Customer Service: Paying Attention to the Customer's Needs: My wife and I pay a lot of ATTENTION to our surroundings. My last blogs were about Customer Service. I did not give up on t...
Social Media Strategies Tune-Up Your Tools
The job market in Las Vegas may not be easy, but being in Las Vegas as a writer, there's always new content to share because people come here from around the US and globe for meetings, conventions, entertainment, eating, and gambling.
The NMXLive event at the RIO Hotel and Casino this year had an impressive line-up of speakers a great turnout, and proved to be a place where many people came to not only network but to truly take their businesses to the next level and beyond.
NMXLive covered topics from content creation to e-commerce opportunities. The importance of NMX included for many, ideas and content-packed sessions which could help them to figure out how to create their own source of "work" in the form of either a business or hobby that could be developed into a thriving business.
By attending many of the supersessions offered at NMX and listening to the stories about how many of the presenters got started in the area of "new media," were stories about losing jobs, being downsized by previous employers, or taking an idea and passion and making something happen, without knowing what might result. Twitter#NMX.
In an interview with NMX Founder Rick Calvert, he shared that NMX is expanding their presence in the Expo world with the acquisition of another Expo, The Small Business Summit NYC." He also shared details of the upcoming travel industry expos he's hosting which draws hundreds of travel bloggers to attend.
NMX was formerly known as BlogWorld and New Media Expo and I was at their last Las Vegas event two years ago and was sorry that it was not in Las Vegas last year and glad that they brought this event to our city this year because of how much of a benefit it offers to people being so chock-full of content.
If you don't know what to do or you want to get better at something and cut the learned curve, go to a conference or expo to get the competetive edge. I remember being told, " If you're not learning someone else is and when you meet, guess who has the advantage?"
The take-away from NMX is that as more and more companies are expanding their online presence and participating in new platforms, there's work to be done by people who can contribute content, produce content, edit content, have technical skills, sell and marketing products and services.
There will be jobs in "new media" and things to be done, and this is leading many people to become entrepreneurial and to create their own pathways to success. You can forget about getting a job and just get busy getting clients and from the experiences at NMX, there are many people who want to get more involved or improve their online presence and participation.
If this is new to you or you want to get to an event to learn more and keep pace with these changes moving faster than the speed of light, NMX will return to Las Vegas in January 2014 and be held at the RIO Hotel and Casino.
If you're tired of searching for a job to pay the bills or take care of your life and you're ready to make your living online, well you're not alone and shouldn't go it alone, unless you have technical genius and you happen to be a marketing guru.
According to keynoter, Shari Higgins, CEO at , their Digital Influence Report will be released on February 1. It will help companies and individuals understand more about what's happening online, which metrics are most useful , regarded or watched, and what online actitivies are most effective and even what might be "surprising" statistics about those less effective platforms to get results for your time and money invested using them.
I did a live interview from the NMX Expo floor which included Steve Olsher, CEO of; Steve Turner of; Jason Kintzler, Author of The New American Startup and CEO of; Brian Messenlehner, Co-Founder of, and business development representative,Kelli from the .ME team.
Steve Olsher is hosting an upcoming event in Chicago being help April 18-20 known as Internet Prophets. Only a tiny percentage of people are making a tremendous amount of money online and this event is for those who want to be one of the 300 attendees who will learn more about what those industry leaders are doing to be successful.
NMX ended with the live presentation of the first episode of a new series hosted by Robert Tercek , produced by LiveLab Network,called "Inventing the Future." This show was live and featured a Social Activist, Gilliam Weston, who was sharing live Twitter interactions from the audience both from the theater on online. The first guests to be interviewed on this show included Actor and Comedien, Chris Hardwick; CEO of ComScore, Gian Fulgoni, and Kelly Dempski, from Accenture.
Greg Jones, Managing Partner of Suite Partners Inc. told us," The Concept of Live Lab is its ability to create live branded content that engages with the consumer in a way that connect deeply. This content has helped to double social media reach for companies and that benefits everyone." See for yourself at http://www.LiveLab.IS/inventingthefuture.
You can follow the Twitter conversations for Inventing the Future using #ITF
From Europe, one of the hottest sites for bloggers called "Overblog" came to NMX from France to share best-practices and plans to be a major participant and provider in the blogging space for US content providers. Their main company is
Thanks to the team from Overblog, I've started two blogs
and http://Successipes.Overblog,com
It would take us days to give 100% credit deserved by all those who came to Las Vegas to share industry expertise and know-how and to help others get started or get better at participating in this every-growing world of "new media."
A brand new book by Amy Jo Martin "Renegades Write The Rules" was given to NMX attendees. Amy Jo Martin went from employee to entrepreneur with high-profile partners and a company called "The Digital Royalty." If she was afraid to break the rules as an employee we probably wouldn't have been reading this book. Amy Jo Martin's company is now based in Las Vegas and we learn from her that to be successful you have to start with "betting on yourself."
Amy Jo Martin used social media to help companies be innovative with their business marketing. Now The Digital Royalty has a University with about 100 courses to help individuals and companies learn how to navigate this new arena and gain their own fans.
To be successful, Amy Jo Martin showed attendees a formula they should understand for "ROI" which stands for return on influence. It will help you in business to understand how likely consumers are to engage with your company.What is your company Rev PAF?? Revenue per available follower??
A special program implemented by DRU or Digital Royalty University is "Buy One, Give One." This special program donates a program to a teacher with each paid course purchased. It's based on the concept that when teachers and parents communicate better, the students do better.
Guy Kawasaki was the keynoter in "Going Bananas with Guy" about his new book."APE." For those who heard Guy's interview they know he was candid about business and the real world. He addressed the topic of book self-publishing and said," There's a misconception that self-publishing will lead to crap. The fact is, there was crap before, there's crap now, and there will always be crap. It's not true. Most people don't understand marketing, that's the most important part."
Guy prefers the description "artistical publishing " over self- publishing because he as he clarified." when you take over the publishing process yourself you control it all and you gain the responsibility for everything. There's a group of people out there who want to take control of the publishing process and I call this "artistical publishing."
He was very encouraging, "Everyone can build a platform and establish themselves as a segment expert."
Guy also took the time to explain how in self-publishing his book,"APE." how he used tools to share his content and asked for feedback from those he sent it to. In thanks he included the name of many in his final book and of course, they wanted to buy a book with their name in it and he made some sales.
Guy tried to simplify the use of various social media platforms as tools to achieve or do different things such as Facebook for connecting with people, Linked In for "pimping yourself or being pimped." It's a place to be found for work..getting jobs or clients. Google + as Guy explained is for "sharing your passions." If you are a photographer, for example, you will find a community of photographers on Google+. Guy told the audience," Twitter is a place to share your perspective on things."
If you don't think there's any benefit to a social media tune-up, think again and learn from the NMX keynoter, Dana White, UFC President &CEO. According to Dana, they've got more than 2.3 million followers on Twitter and nearly 600,0000 YouTube Subscribers. The UFC has gone from a business they purchased for $2 million and invested about $44 more million into to become the #1 Pay-Per-View provider Worldwide, #1 Sports selling franchise on DVD. and a fan-focused leader in social media participation.
Dana White also said, "Nothing brings the world together like a good fight." The UFC is broadcast in 19 languages. Dana shared some of the social media "best-practices" of the UFC which include engaging with the fans through "daily video blogs" which are about 8-10 minutes in length and following social media right from the fights.
The UFC learns how to improve and serve their customers better by talking to the fans and getting feedback and Dana proved to the audience that we wasn't shaken or concerned by whatever he hears by taking live questions from the audience at the end of his interview.
Dana also revealed," Everytime new technology comes out we try it and try to implement it." He also said that he's not a fan of Instagram and won't participate on that platform, but loves participation on Twitter and Facebook."
It was also refreshing to hear from Dana White that although social media platforms can connect people and the world instantly, the UFC success was not instant and it's been something they've been working to achieve over a period of 13 years.
Scott Monty, Global Head of Social Media, Ford Company; Leo LaPorte, and Stan Slap were keynoters at NMX and their advice and insight is available at
Change keeps happening and for us to be more effective, it's a great time for a social media tune-up. Come back again soon and we'll learn how to adjust together.
Join the conversation live at and Follow me on Twitter@Successipes
The NMXLive event at the RIO Hotel and Casino this year had an impressive line-up of speakers a great turnout, and proved to be a place where many people came to not only network but to truly take their businesses to the next level and beyond.
NMXLive covered topics from content creation to e-commerce opportunities. The importance of NMX included for many, ideas and content-packed sessions which could help them to figure out how to create their own source of "work" in the form of either a business or hobby that could be developed into a thriving business.
By attending many of the supersessions offered at NMX and listening to the stories about how many of the presenters got started in the area of "new media," were stories about losing jobs, being downsized by previous employers, or taking an idea and passion and making something happen, without knowing what might result. Twitter#NMX.
In an interview with NMX Founder Rick Calvert, he shared that NMX is expanding their presence in the Expo world with the acquisition of another Expo, The Small Business Summit NYC." He also shared details of the upcoming travel industry expos he's hosting which draws hundreds of travel bloggers to attend.
NMX was formerly known as BlogWorld and New Media Expo and I was at their last Las Vegas event two years ago and was sorry that it was not in Las Vegas last year and glad that they brought this event to our city this year because of how much of a benefit it offers to people being so chock-full of content.
If you don't know what to do or you want to get better at something and cut the learned curve, go to a conference or expo to get the competetive edge. I remember being told, " If you're not learning someone else is and when you meet, guess who has the advantage?"
The take-away from NMX is that as more and more companies are expanding their online presence and participating in new platforms, there's work to be done by people who can contribute content, produce content, edit content, have technical skills, sell and marketing products and services.
There will be jobs in "new media" and things to be done, and this is leading many people to become entrepreneurial and to create their own pathways to success. You can forget about getting a job and just get busy getting clients and from the experiences at NMX, there are many people who want to get more involved or improve their online presence and participation.
If this is new to you or you want to get to an event to learn more and keep pace with these changes moving faster than the speed of light, NMX will return to Las Vegas in January 2014 and be held at the RIO Hotel and Casino.
If you're tired of searching for a job to pay the bills or take care of your life and you're ready to make your living online, well you're not alone and shouldn't go it alone, unless you have technical genius and you happen to be a marketing guru.
According to keynoter, Shari Higgins, CEO at , their Digital Influence Report will be released on February 1. It will help companies and individuals understand more about what's happening online, which metrics are most useful , regarded or watched, and what online actitivies are most effective and even what might be "surprising" statistics about those less effective platforms to get results for your time and money invested using them.
I did a live interview from the NMX Expo floor which included Steve Olsher, CEO of; Steve Turner of; Jason Kintzler, Author of The New American Startup and CEO of; Brian Messenlehner, Co-Founder of, and business development representative,Kelli from the .ME team.
Steve Olsher is hosting an upcoming event in Chicago being help April 18-20 known as Internet Prophets. Only a tiny percentage of people are making a tremendous amount of money online and this event is for those who want to be one of the 300 attendees who will learn more about what those industry leaders are doing to be successful.
NMX ended with the live presentation of the first episode of a new series hosted by Robert Tercek , produced by LiveLab Network,called "Inventing the Future." This show was live and featured a Social Activist, Gilliam Weston, who was sharing live Twitter interactions from the audience both from the theater on online. The first guests to be interviewed on this show included Actor and Comedien, Chris Hardwick; CEO of ComScore, Gian Fulgoni, and Kelly Dempski, from Accenture.
Greg Jones, Managing Partner of Suite Partners Inc. told us," The Concept of Live Lab is its ability to create live branded content that engages with the consumer in a way that connect deeply. This content has helped to double social media reach for companies and that benefits everyone." See for yourself at http://www.LiveLab.IS/inventingthefuture.
You can follow the Twitter conversations for Inventing the Future using #ITF
From Europe, one of the hottest sites for bloggers called "Overblog" came to NMX from France to share best-practices and plans to be a major participant and provider in the blogging space for US content providers. Their main company is
Thanks to the team from Overblog, I've started two blogs
and http://Successipes.Overblog,com
It would take us days to give 100% credit deserved by all those who came to Las Vegas to share industry expertise and know-how and to help others get started or get better at participating in this every-growing world of "new media."
A brand new book by Amy Jo Martin "Renegades Write The Rules" was given to NMX attendees. Amy Jo Martin went from employee to entrepreneur with high-profile partners and a company called "The Digital Royalty." If she was afraid to break the rules as an employee we probably wouldn't have been reading this book. Amy Jo Martin's company is now based in Las Vegas and we learn from her that to be successful you have to start with "betting on yourself."
Amy Jo Martin used social media to help companies be innovative with their business marketing. Now The Digital Royalty has a University with about 100 courses to help individuals and companies learn how to navigate this new arena and gain their own fans.
To be successful, Amy Jo Martin showed attendees a formula they should understand for "ROI" which stands for return on influence. It will help you in business to understand how likely consumers are to engage with your company.What is your company Rev PAF?? Revenue per available follower??
A special program implemented by DRU or Digital Royalty University is "Buy One, Give One." This special program donates a program to a teacher with each paid course purchased. It's based on the concept that when teachers and parents communicate better, the students do better.
Guy Kawasaki was the keynoter in "Going Bananas with Guy" about his new book."APE." For those who heard Guy's interview they know he was candid about business and the real world. He addressed the topic of book self-publishing and said," There's a misconception that self-publishing will lead to crap. The fact is, there was crap before, there's crap now, and there will always be crap. It's not true. Most people don't understand marketing, that's the most important part."
Guy prefers the description "artistical publishing " over self- publishing because he as he clarified." when you take over the publishing process yourself you control it all and you gain the responsibility for everything. There's a group of people out there who want to take control of the publishing process and I call this "artistical publishing."
He was very encouraging, "Everyone can build a platform and establish themselves as a segment expert."
Guy also took the time to explain how in self-publishing his book,"APE." how he used tools to share his content and asked for feedback from those he sent it to. In thanks he included the name of many in his final book and of course, they wanted to buy a book with their name in it and he made some sales.
Guy tried to simplify the use of various social media platforms as tools to achieve or do different things such as Facebook for connecting with people, Linked In for "pimping yourself or being pimped." It's a place to be found for work..getting jobs or clients. Google + as Guy explained is for "sharing your passions." If you are a photographer, for example, you will find a community of photographers on Google+. Guy told the audience," Twitter is a place to share your perspective on things."
If you don't think there's any benefit to a social media tune-up, think again and learn from the NMX keynoter, Dana White, UFC President &CEO. According to Dana, they've got more than 2.3 million followers on Twitter and nearly 600,0000 YouTube Subscribers. The UFC has gone from a business they purchased for $2 million and invested about $44 more million into to become the #1 Pay-Per-View provider Worldwide, #1 Sports selling franchise on DVD. and a fan-focused leader in social media participation.
Dana White also said, "Nothing brings the world together like a good fight." The UFC is broadcast in 19 languages. Dana shared some of the social media "best-practices" of the UFC which include engaging with the fans through "daily video blogs" which are about 8-10 minutes in length and following social media right from the fights.
The UFC learns how to improve and serve their customers better by talking to the fans and getting feedback and Dana proved to the audience that we wasn't shaken or concerned by whatever he hears by taking live questions from the audience at the end of his interview.
Dana also revealed," Everytime new technology comes out we try it and try to implement it." He also said that he's not a fan of Instagram and won't participate on that platform, but loves participation on Twitter and Facebook."
It was also refreshing to hear from Dana White that although social media platforms can connect people and the world instantly, the UFC success was not instant and it's been something they've been working to achieve over a period of 13 years.
Scott Monty, Global Head of Social Media, Ford Company; Leo LaPorte, and Stan Slap were keynoters at NMX and their advice and insight is available at
Change keeps happening and for us to be more effective, it's a great time for a social media tune-up. Come back again soon and we'll learn how to adjust together.
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